Day 159 - I contemplate escape once again, but the guard on duty, the one they call "mommy" caught me with her digital surveillance equipment. As you can see from the photos, they have both stationary and mobile retention devices that I am kept in a good deal of the time, except for a few hours a day when they force me to do hard "tummy" time in the supervised "play mat" area. The guards aren't too bad - they try to amuse me with songs and shiny objects, and they have upped my daily rations from plain milk to also include a watery gruel. I am so weak that they are forced to spoon feed me . . . the spoon even has a rubber coating so that I cannot dig my way out of this place.
I would write more, but most pointy objects are kept away from me, and I find my supplies limited . . . There is a small blue bear that I associate with on occasion. I have asked him to get word to the authorities, but I fear his situation is worse than mine . . . they have bound his arms and legs around a rubber ring with beads and a rattle between his bottom paws. . . I don't know if he will even be fit to re-introduce to the wild. Sometimes they torture him in something ominous called "the washer." He is never quite the same when he returns. - From the diary of NWH