Since Nikolai is an incredible 7 months old, Colin has been busy teaching him all that he'll need to know to survive in the world as a man. The top picture is Nikolai learning to simultaneously play pool and watch football, while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house. My mom transformed their sewing/computer room into an Irish pub-styled pool room. The room turned out great, and I have a feeling that Niko will be building forts under the pool table for many years to come while the grown-ups have a pint. Don't worry, he knows not to scratch the felt!

Here is Nikolai earlier in the month helping us brew beer for the first time. Colin recieved a beer brewing kit from my parents for his birthday in October. He is busy sterilizing the fermenting tub in this photo. We made a Hefenweizen for our first batch, because we agree that it is inappropriate to let a baby drink anything darker than that. Just kidding, don't call the authorities. Right now it is fermenting in the closet . . . we'll let you know how it turns out.