Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting Settled

We’ve been living in our new house for two and a half weeks now. Niko is getting more comfortable in his new bed, and falls asleep by himself without too much crying. He has slept through the night for 3 or 4 nights now, and yesterday morning he actually got up and walked into our room when he woke up at 7:15 to get me and ask for Curious George cartoons and milk.

He is working on giving me a heart attack with his crazy cycling stunts – his favorite being to scoot up steep driveways on the block and then ride down backwards. We bought a helmet last week, but getting him to wear it is difficult. Colin is on the hunt for a baby trailer so that he can tow Niko around on his bike on the trail near our house.

Niko is already starting to transition to the 2-year-old room at daycare, just a couple of weeks early! I cannot believe how big he is getting. He can drink a half gallon of milk in about 2 days! He also helps himself to crackers and cereal out of the pantry now. He thinks it is really handy that the new house has a pantry with low shelves that he can reach.

The funniest thing he has done lately was probably at daycare last week. He was refusing to wash his hands when he should have, so his teacher started to count to three. She said “one,” and Niko immediately jumped in with ”two.” I guess he just thought they were counting!
More pictures coming soon …

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