Thursday, October 16, 2008


We miss you and hope all is well in Alaska!  Can't wait to see you this Christmas!  Lots of love from lower 48.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Future Leader

Hey Niko Fans -

Check out the candidate that Colin & I are supporting:

Thanks Bill, for clueing us in on this amazing option!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hyde Park Homes Tour

Lots of you know that our house was on the Hyde Park Homes Tour last weekend. We've been bustin' our booties the past month to get the house clean and spiffed up. Thanks so much to my mom and dad for helping out, and for lending much of their art and other accessories to dress up the house. We think there were approximately 900 people who saw the house Saturday! Hopefully one of them will want to buy it from us!! Here are a few pics for those of you who haven't ever been by when the house is clean :)

Here is the 3rd Floor - our neighbor, Clifford Doyle, is an artist and lent some of his amazing artwork to decorate.

Bye Bye Baby Curls

As much as we loved Niko's wild hair and adorable curls, his bangs were getting a bit too long. So, it was off to Sports Clips on Sunday to get a new look. Although temporarily distracted with a lollipop, the tears hit before the first snip. Luckily Mom and Grandpa were able to hold Niko through much of the torture session, and Niko was pretty sure of himself once it was over.

Here he is struttin' his stuff with his new 'do. Grandma had to buy him some new shoes in a bigger size (6!) this weekend too. He looks so big and grown up!!