Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Steps!

I have been in Las Vegas (a horrible, wretched place) since Sunday for a planning conference. In addition to Vegas being just a terrible place, the whole family, including Colin's parents who were in town last weekend, caught the flu. Between conference sessions I collapsed in my hotel room, and Colin had to take care of a very fussy Nikolai in between getting sick and trying to rest. It was a bad few days.

BUT, today I got home and rushed to daycare to pick up Nikolai. When I got there, he was sitting in his new classroom eating graham crackers and drinking milk from a sippy cup like it was no big deal. He ignored me for a few minutes, then stood up with his graham cracker and took two steps!!! This was his first bono fide step without holding onto anything! Then he just got down onto the floor like nothing happened and crawled away (to steal another kid's graham crackers). It was pretty amazing. . . I feel very lucky that I showed up just in time to see Nikolai's first steps, although I've convinced myself that he knew he could do it ahead of time and was just waiting for me to show me what he figured out (look Mom, no hands!).

He was pretty fussy still tonight - I'm pretty sure he is mad at me for disappearing while he was sick, and Colin is pretty sure that he is mad at him for not taking good care of him while I was gone (since he was so sick himself). So, we hope he forgives us, or at least forgets . . . .

1 comment:

Heather said...

Congrats Niko!