Friday, December 18, 2009

Nikolai is Coming; Baby Julian is Crawling!

First of all, a story so sweet that Santa couldn't possibly overlook this toddler.....
Last night Julian was on the floor playing and I was filling the washing machine. He started crying, and I heard Nikolai saying "Nikolai is coming," in the sweetest little sing-song voice. I watched from around the corner in the kitchen as Niko put a bunch of his cars on a tray and carried them over to Julian to share and play so that he would stop crying! It was enough to make a mom's heart melt.

AND, prior to this, Julian was doing a combat crawl, pushing himself across the wood floors to reach toys that had rolled out of reach (Ok, I moved the toys out of reach when I realized he had attained forward motion so that I could videotape)! This morning, he even got his belly off the ground for a bit when he crawled across the bed to me after being changed. A whole new window has opened up ... in the past week he has also started sitting up by himself for several minutes without falling over and feeding himself little babyfood puffs. He is changing every day! He also goes into bonafide giggle fits when tickled or teased.

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