Sunday, January 20, 2008

baby has skills . . .

Nikolai has been a bit cranky this weekend, recovering from an earache and one heck of a diaper rash caused by the anitibiotics, but he has still been up for a little fun and games. His newest game is that he tries to put his pacifier into my mouth and laughs hysterically when I pretend to try and get it from him. The funny part is that as soon as he is finished trying, he makes sure to put it in his mouth so that I know I can't really have it!

His second skill is saying "da da." He started out with "la la," and transitioned it right into "da da." He says it all the time, without really relating it to Colin yet, but I use it as an excuse to pass him along to Colin whenever it is convenient :)

He is also trying all sorts of new table foods. He shared my roasted fish with avocados and black beans at Cafe Sebastian last week, and loved the rotisserie chicken that I picked up at the grocery store.

His last new skill is that he is just starting to "cruise" around rooms by walking while he holds onto furniture or objects big enough. He is starting to move his feet really well. In fact, he moved his feet more today than Chenowith did during his 4 years at KU!

Ok, I know this isn't a Niko picture, but since it is 14 degrees outside, I thought I'd share another Florida photo from earlier this month. . .


Schmierer-Knust Family said...

Love the Chenowith comment...too funny

Heather said...

More than Chenowith?!?!?!?!
Wait...that's not saying much.
Braden says, "So what, I weigh as much as Chenowith!"